White Chimneys Farm
Port Murray, NJ
White Chimneys Farm
Our legacy is growing.
White Chimneys Farm was established in 1752 and has served as home to several families through the centuries. We have been its stewards since 1986 and continue its status as a family homestead.
Here at WCF we follow organic practices to raise our crops (vegetables, fruits, flowers). We also manage a herd of goats from which we harvest cashmere for sale. Our chickens include a number of breeds, some of which produce the beautiful aqua, olive, blue , and chocolate eggs that have become so popular.
Please explore the website to learn more about us and the beautiful area of Warren County, NJ where we enjoy a life that is constantly growing!
Port Murray, NJ
1-50 Goats
Herd Size:
Available Services & Activities:
None, as of now.
On-Farm Stay:
Farm Website:
Meet the Farmers
Lorene Lavora & Drina Duryea
Farmer Bio coming soon
Farm Interview
Why Cashmere?
We used to raise sheep but decided to give it up due to their fragility compared to most other farm animals. We decided on cashmere goats because, frankly, we did not want to raise meat animals and wanted to concentrate on fiber. And goats are just a lot more enjoyable than sheep and easier to handle than alpacas, etc. They are a lot more personable and fun!
Biggest Challenge?
Compared to sheep, I can't say there's been much challenge. Perhaps the the biggest challenge is getting the combing done in the spring.
Biggest Successes?
Again, from the perspective of folks who used to raise sheep (Tunis and Romney), keeping the goats healthy has been more satisfying. We do what we know we should to maintain them and they stay healthy. Not always the case with sheep!
Do you view farming as more of a business or a lifestyle?
Lifestyle for sure. We do not rely on this income to support us. My husband grew up on a dairy farm so we are aware of what it means to make a go of it just farming. And anyone who does even a little farming has to know that it's a lifestyle. We can tell this when we're out among people with no experience with the lifestyle. Farmers are different!
What have been the biggest changes you've implemented on your farm?
Growing vegetables is what takes most of our energy here and there's been a lot of changes as we go along. We've always followed organic practices and each year we try to be more efficient with how we deal with weed pressure, etc. This year we moved to wifi controlled irrigation and, given the drought conditions, it was a real game changer - consistent water in a conservative manner made for a very successful harvest.