Dough Haven Farm
Easton, NY
Dough Haven Farm
To produce vegetables, fiber, meat and forest products utilizing Agroforestry methods such as silvopasture and forest farming. Maintain a small farm with goals of becoming self-supporting and a livelihood healthy for us, our animals, the community and land. To be good Stewards.
The farm is 52 acres of mostly forested land near the Hudson River in the beautiful town of Easton, NY.
For the past 26 years much timber stand improvement (TSI) work has taken place with a goal of regenerating forest, increasing forest diversity, improving animal habitat and having sustainable timber harvests. We practice Agroforestry using silvopasture, riparian forest buffers and forest farming techniques. We cultivate and sell specialty mushrooms farmed on logs from TSI work.
The farm has Cashmere & dairy goats, alpaca, two LGD, barn kitties, chickens, geese, ducks & fruit trees amongst a beautiful managed forest.
We have been collecting cashmere and alpaca fiber for several years and take the raw fiber to the mill to make a farm blend of roving and rug yarn. The animals are combed or shaved and the fleece is skirted and processed. People are welcome to make an appointment to come help comb the goats starting in February each year.
We utilize the goats for meat, dairy, hides and fiber. The goat milk is great for making yogurt, cheese, soaps and lotions. We compost the manure to use on the farm. We have a vermicomposting component to our farm. Each of these compost products and techniques help add nutrients back into the land we are growing in.
Agritourism at DHF:farm visits by appointment and offers educational workshops twice a year. We get and give support to Farmer Veteran Coalition and Farm Ops, Cornell Small Farms program.
We are MFO Master Forest Owners through Cornell also members of NYFOA and American Tree Farm System.
Easton, NY
1-50 Goats
Herd Size:
Available Services & Activities:
Mushroom farming workshops, farm tours, goat rental, mushroom products, forest products, red wigglers and composting information and product & combing goats.
On-Farm Stay:
Farm Website:

Meet the Farmers

Mary Marchewka & David DeLaMater
David is a Veteran, retired chef. Mary works for NYS DOH soon to be retired.
We attended ATF (Armed to Farm) a program for Veterans wanting to start farming. The program gave us confidence, direction, organizational skills and lots of resources to further our interests in farming.
We started a business plan, set up a Mission statement and created Dough Haven Farm LLC.
David and Mary were introduced to Cashmere goats through helping Sr Mary Elizabeth with a puppy and kidding season at Community of St Mary's Eastern Province in Greenwich, NY.
David did an internship with the goat farm and some of the duties included helping kids in 4H. David became a co-leader for a Washington Cty 4H group called Cashmere Kids.
At that time we bought some Cashmere & dairy goats, a few alpaca, two LG puppies to join the chickens, geese and ducks already on the farm.
We wanted to practice Silvopasture specifically in limiting the plant invasive species in the forest and produce a healthy herd of goats.
We have set up goat exhibits and participated in judging at the county fair and fiber festivals. We joined the CGA (Cashmere Goat Association) and AGF. David became a board member and is now a judge.
Farm Interview
Why Cashmere?
David's working with the cashmere goats during the internship with Sister Mary Elizabeth and 4H really sparked our interest in cashmere goats.
Biggest Challenge?
Purchasing and storing quality hay for the winter months then watching the goats pick at it and waste it. David is constantly trying to make the hay appetizing and being creative to limit waste.
Biggest Successes?
Cashmere goats are perfect for practicing Silvopasture techniques and rotational grazing especially getting rid of invasive plant species.
Do you view farming as more of a business or a lifestyle?
David says lifestyle. Mary says business. It is all about balance!
What have been the biggest changes you've implemented on your farm?
Staying right sized by not breeding every doe, every season. Staying manageable within our resources. In the future we would like to introduce new cashmere genetics to our small herd.